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Gen AI adoption soars, delivering measurable value

Generative AI (gen AI) is experiencing a surge in adoption, with organizations reporting significant benefits and improved risk management strategies. A select group of high-performing companies is leading this transformation.

To accelerate transformation and meet evolving enterprise expectations, we introduce NeIO, a next-generation enterprise Gen AI platform. This article explores NeIO’s features and demonstrates how it can facilitate your AI transition, empowering your organization with advanced AI capabilities for greater efficiency and innovation.

In 2023, the world became acquainted with generative AI. By 2024, businesses began harnessing its potential for tangible value. According to the latest McKinsey Global Survey on AI, 65% of respondents indicate their organizations are regularly using gen AI, nearly doubling the figure from ten months ago. Expectations for gen AI's impact remain high, with three-quarters of respondents predicting significant or disruptive changes in their industries in the coming years.

A Dramatic Increase in AI Adoption

Generative AI's popularity has spotlighted a broader array of AI capabilities. Over the past six years, AI adoption among organizations hovered around 50%. This year, the survey reveals a jump to 72%. This rise is not confined to any single region—adoption rates have surpassed 66% across most areas, indicating a global trend. Professional services have seen the most substantial increase in AI adoption, reflecting the sector's rapid embrace of new technologies.

Real-Life Use Case

AI in Healthcare

In the healthcare sector, generative AI has revolutionized patient care and operational efficiency. For instance, Massachusetts General Hospital uses AI to predict patient deterioration, enabling timely interventions. By analyzing vast amounts of patient data, AI algorithms can identify subtle patterns and provide early warnings, significantly improving patient outcomes.

AI in Insurance

In the insurance industry, generative AI is transforming underwriting and policy customization. Companies are now using AI to streamline the underwriting process, quickly assessing risk and setting premiums with remarkable accuracy. AI algorithms analyze extensive data sets, including historical claims and customer behavior, to craft use-case-specific policies. This not only enhances the speed and precision of underwriting but also allows for highly personalized insurance products that better meet individual customers' needs.

AI in Legal

The legal sector is also experiencing significant advancements through the adoption of generative AI. Many law firms leverage AI to enhance legal research and document review. AI tools can swiftly analyze legal documents, identify relevant precedents, and even predict case outcomes based on historical data. This dramatically reduces the time and cost associated with legal research while increasing the accuracy and comprehensiveness of legal advice, ultimately benefiting both legal professionals and their clients.

Introducing NeIO: Transforming AI Integration

NeIO stands at the forefront of this AI revolution, offering a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline AI integration. Here’s how NeIO can support your AI journey:

Expanding AI Use Across Business Functions

Companies are not only adopting AI more broadly but are also integrating it into more aspects of their operations. Half of the respondents now report using AI in two or more business functions, up from less than a third in 2023. The functions with the highest adoption rates include marketing and sales, product and service development, and IT. Previous research has shown that these areas offer the most potential for value generation through gen AI. The most notable increase is in marketing and sales, where adoption has more than doubled compared to the previous year.

Copilots, often referred to as assistant systems or collaborative software tools, can significantly enhance productivity and efficiency in a software service organization in various ways. These tools can integrate seamlessly into the end-to-end software development lifecycle (SDLC), offering coding assistance to developers, providing automated testing support to QA and test engineers, and facilitating intelligent assistance during chat conversations. Additionally, the increased adoption of copilots across business functions such as marketing and sales highlights their growing importance in driving efficiency and collaboration throughout the organization.

Real-Life Use Case

AI in Retail

Retail giants like Walmart use AI to optimize inventory management and improve customer experiences. By analyzing purchasing patterns and predicting demand, AI helps maintain optimal stock levels, reducing both overstock and stockouts. This not only boosts sales but also enhances customer satisfaction by ensuring product availability. Additionally, AI-driven insights allow for more personalized marketing strategies, tailoring promotions and recommendations to individual customer preferences. Furthermore, the efficiency gains from AI integration help retailers reduce operational costs, enabling competitive pricing and better resource allocation.

Gen AI's Reach Extends to Personal Lives

Beyond professional use, gen AI is becoming increasingly prevalent in personal lives. Compared to 2023, there is a significant rise in the use of gen AI both at work and home. This trend is most pronounced in the Asia-Pacific region and Greater China. Senior executives are leading the way, with substantial increases in their use of gen AI tools for both professional and personal applications. Specific industries, such as energy and materials and professional services, report the highest growth in gen AI usage.

According to the latest McKinsey survey, AI adoption has surged, with 72% of organizations now using AI in at least one business function. This marks a significant increase from the past six years, where adoption hovered around 50%. This upward trend indicates that more business functions will integrate AI-based tools, and a growing number of organizations will become AI-ready.

Strategic Investments in Gen AI and Analytical AI

Organizations are making substantial investments in both generative and analytical AI. The survey suggests that many industries are allocating over 5% of their digital budgets to these technologies, with a significant portion investing more than 20% in analytical AI. Looking ahead, 67% of respondents anticipate increased AI investment over the next three years. This financial commitment reflects the growing recognition of AI's potential to drive innovation and efficiency.

NeIO is the ideal strategic choice for any organization, offering an enterprise assistant for employees along with smart notifications, which are essential features available out of the box. By adopting NeIO, organizations can unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation, positioning themselves at the forefront of the AI-driven future.

Why NeIO is a Strategic Investment for Organizations

  1. Enhanced Productivity: NeIO streamlines workflows and automates repetitive tasks, freeing up employees to focus on higher-value activities.
  1. Real-time Insights: With its advanced data analytics capabilities, NeIO provides actionable insights in real time, enabling informed decision-making.
  1. Scalability: Designed to grow with your organization, NeIO easily scales to accommodate increasing data and user demands without compromising performance.
  1. Security and Compliance: NeIO ensures robust data security and compliance with industry standards, safeguarding sensitive information.
  1. Cost Efficiency: By automating processes and reducing manual effort, NeIO helps lower operational costs while boosting overall productivity.
  1. User-friendly Interface: NeIO’s intuitive design ensures ease of use, reducing the learning curve and promoting quick adoption across the organization.
  1. Continuous Improvement: NeIO regularly updates its features based on user feedback and emerging trends, ensuring your organization always has access to cutting-edge technology.

By incorporating NeIO into their operations, organizations not only enhance their current capabilities but also future-proof themselves against the rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Realizing Benefits and Mitigating Risks

The benefits of gen AI are already evident in several business functions. Human resources departments report the most significant cost reductions, while supply chain and inventory management see meaningful revenue increases. However, the use of gen AI also brings risks, particularly around data privacy, intellectual property (IP) infringement, and output accuracy. Organizations are increasingly aware of these risks and are taking steps to mitigate them, with a particular focus on ensuring the accuracy of AI-generated outputs.

Evaluating the Impact of GitHub Copilot in Organizations

Do the copilots help? Let's take a quick look at some information shared by a copilot from GitHub and assess its performance so far. GitHub Copilot, an AI-powered code assistant, has shown significant benefits for organizations utilizing it. By integrating copilots into their workflows, companies have experienced enhanced productivity, streamlined coding processes, and reduced development times. The copilot assists in writing code faster and with fewer errors, which translates to substantial cost savings and improved software quality. This tangible success demonstrates how leveraging AI copilots can be a strategic advantage, driving innovation and efficiency across various organizational functions.

Real-Life Use Case

AI in Finance

Financial institutions, such as JPMorgan Chase, leverage AI to detect fraudulent activities. AI algorithms analyze transaction patterns in real-time to identify anomalies and potential fraud, significantly reducing financial losses and enhancing security. This proactive approach not only safeguards assets but also boosts customer trust by ensuring a more secure banking environment. Additionally, AI's ability to continuously learn and adapt to new fraud tactics means that financial institutions can stay one step ahead of cybercriminals, further fortifying their defenses.

The Need for Responsible AI Governance

Despite the benefits, there is a noticeable gap in governance practices for responsible AI use. Only 18% of respondents say their organizations have an enterprise-wide council or board to oversee AI-related decisions. Moreover, only one-third of companies require risk awareness and mitigation controls as part of the skill set for technical roles. This lack of structured governance highlights the need for more comprehensive frameworks to ensure AI technologies are deployed responsibly and ethically.

Diverse Approaches to Gen AI Deployment

Organizations employ various strategies to implement gen AI tools. These approaches fall into three categories: using off-the-shelf solutions, customizing existing tools with proprietary data, and developing proprietary models from scratch. Approximately half of the reported gen AI applications utilize off-the-shelf models with minimal customization. However, industries like energy and materials, technology, and media are more inclined towards significant customization or developing proprietary models to meet specific business needs. Custom or proprietary models typically require a longer implementation period, often taking five months or more to go into production.

The Success of High-Performing Organizations

A small subset of organizations, termed "gen AI high performers," report significant EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) attributed to their use of generative AI. These high performers, who already attribute over 10% of their EBIT to gen AI, provide valuable insights. They are using gen AI across more business functions than their peers, averaging three functions per organization compared to two in others. While they commonly apply gen AI in marketing, sales, and product development, they are also more likely to use it in risk management, legal, compliance, strategy, and supply chain management.

High performers are also more proactive in addressing gen AI-related risks. They report experiencing a range of negative consequences, from cybersecurity issues to IP infringement, more frequently than others. Consequently, they are more vigilant about considering and mitigating these risks. They also follow a broader set of best practices, such as involving the legal department early in the development process and embedding risk reviews from the start.

Overcoming Challenges and Moving Forward

High performers face several challenges, particularly around data management and operational models. Seventy percent report difficulties with data governance, integrating data into AI models, and the availability of training data. They also struggle with implementing agile methodologies and managing sprint performance effectively. These challenges underscore the critical role of robust data processes and adaptive operational models in successfully scaling AI technologies.


In summary, generative AI holds immense potential for driving innovation and efficiency across industries. As businesses continue to invest in and integrate AI technologies, focusing on responsible use and overcoming operational challenges will be crucial for maximizing value. For more insights and strategic guidance on AI adoption, Codvo remains at the forefront of helping organizations navigate the complexities of this transformative technology.

By embracing the lessons learned from high-performing organizations and prioritizing responsible AI practices, businesses can unlock new levels of growth and efficiency, positioning themselves for success in an increasingly AI-driven world.

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