Be sure to be aware of the all-time top three cloud security threats your business will possibly expose. Learn more about the solutions.
When cloud computing stepped into the spotlight, we welcomed the arrival of a serverless world. Slowly, businesses — big and small — started migrating to the cloud in hopes of avoiding the huge, up-front costs of owning and maintaining their own data centers and computing infrastructures.
If you’re now having trouble keeping all vital business information, systems, and programs in your in-house computer servers, cloud computing solutions are something worth considering. In a nutshell, such solutions will allow you to access basic storage, networking capabilities, and processing power.
The best part? When you opt for a cloud computing service, you will only pay for what you use, when you use it. Enter: huge savings and the ability to scale up fast.
The challenging part? When your cloud-based solution isn’t managed properly, this could create serious security risks.
You can’t run away from these risks no matter the type of cloud service you choose: Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), or Platform as a Service (PaaS).
As revealed by a McAfee survey, a whopping 79% of companies store sensitive data in the public cloud. Meanwhile, the same survey showed that over 50% of cloud users (companies only) experienced a data breach.
From these results, it’s safe to say that data breaches in the cloud are commonplace. This doesn’t mean though that you should expect to have a data breach anytime soon.
The solution? Utilize in-transit and at-rest data security solutions such as encrypting email servers or using digital certificates. Employing an API-based Closed Access Security Broker (CASB) can also help in monitoring network activity and limiting the downloading of information from unsecured Internet.
Free service plans offered by cloud providers encourage a lot of companies to move their data to the cloud with no careful thinking done whatsoever. In contrast, access policies are being overlooked.
The solution here is simple: conduct regular audits of the level of access that your employees have. If they don’t have anything to do with particular files, then they shouldn’t get access to that. Simply put, remove unnecessary access privileges.
Using multi-factor authentication (MFA) is also ideal as it requires users to have a second device such as a smartphone in order to log in to your system.
When looking at the big picture, sometimes the problem doesn’t lie in the features of the cloud service per se. But instead in the ways the system is being handled. If the people who are managing the security of your cloud infrastructure and applications aren’t well-versed in fundamental cloud principles, things could obviously go wrong.
For this issue, the solution would be to have cloud-native experts on board. With this kind of team members, there’s not much to worry about even if you take all the work remotely. A cloud-native understands the intricacies of complex cloud platforms and can be your second pair of eyes when it comes to overseeing data security.
Apart from being aware of the cloud security risks mentioned above and implementing appropriate solutions, remember that visibility is critical when managing cloud systems. When you have a 360-view of everything, you’ll know the weak points to address and the right people to tap for help.
Have you experienced any cloud security problems ever since moving to the cloud? Let us know in the comments; we might be able to provide some help.
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